CTBC Business School


  • Emphasis on Literacy
  • Academic and Administrative Teams
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Experience
  • International Teacher Hiring and Training 


  1. Implementation Plan


To extend our previous success to the tertiary level, we would like to propose the following implementation measures: 


  • Intensive TOEFL Prep Courses


Firstly, students will attend a placement test and be differentiated into 5 classes based on their English ability. These 5 classes represent different levels ranging A1 to C1 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) standard. 


This intensive course is designed to help all students to improve by at least two levels, e.g. starting at A2 and obtaining B2 before graduation. We aim to prepare 10% of our students to acquiring a C1, 30% for B2, and 50% for a B1 level certificate from TOEFL or other English proficiency certificates. 


Furthermore, the teaching and learning approach of the intensive course is to emphasise all four aspects of language learning, i.e. reading, listening, speaking, and writing. A final mock exam will be conducted to evaluate students’ progress every semester so that teachers can adjust and find the best strategy. 


Not only that we only hire certified and experienced international teachers, but also to prevent unfairness, the best and most experienced teachers are assigned to the beginner level classes in the hope that all students can really improve and excel. Extra one-on-one tutorials will also be offered to students at a brand-new language learning center. 


  • One-on-one tutorials


On the other hand, for students who cannot get enough from the regular classes, there are also one-on-one tutorials offered to them at the brand-new English center. Students can make appointment with the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Director. 


At the first meeting, the EAL will diagnose the student’s circumstances and write a prescription. The student will then be assigned to an international teacher with whom they can make regular tutorials to monitor their progress. Such tutorials are offered to a largest extent that there are always more than two international teachers standing-by at the English center.


In addition to the academic English aspect stated above, another focus on workplace English will also be offered at the center. There will be seminars on various topics such as how to write a CV or business emails, as well as one-on-one mock interviews. 


  • Book Resources and the facility


In addition to the above measures, a brand-new language center will be constructed and equipped with ample resources. First, a wide range of English reading selections, both paper copies and e-books, across different levels will be available for classroom teaching and learning, as well as for supplementary reading. 


Furthermore, the language center space will be designed in a common room style in which students can read, learn, discuss, and grow alone or together with others. 

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